Application to manage incomes and expenses
🚀Project Completed✅
• About • Screenshots • Functionalities • Prerequisites • Features • Learnings • Author • License
This project is a website that was created to help control and calculate daily earnings and expenses. The project was developed during a Rocketseat marathon at Discover. To go to the marathon just click on this link.
To see the project hosted on Github Pages click on this link
Modal in JavaScript to display the form
Income and expense record
Income and expense exclusion
Calculation and display of incomes, expenses and total
Data storage via WebStorage API to keep user data even after page refresh
- Fonts: Poppins
- API: Web Storage API
To use and contribute to this project you just need basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Git plus a code editor like Visual Studio Code.
During project development, I was able to learn more about responsive design in CSS; but what was new to me was learning about modal in JavaScript and about WebStorage for local storage, which until then I didn't know what it was.
Made with ❤️ by Gustavo Victor
This project is under the MIT license.
Anyone can use, clone, fork and contribute to this project.