- Tic-tac-toe is fully built and plays perfectly. It is unbeatable. It needs to be optimized and code should be cleaner.
- Connect-4 is built and AI development is in progress.
- Pyramix is built and a human-level heuristic-greedy player has been implemented.
- Texas Hold'em is currently being rebuilt with better optimization.
- Chess, Black Jack, checkers, dollar-auction, and prisoners dilemma are currently unbuilt.
- By Sunday, Nov. 11:
- minimax implemented for connect 4 + heuristics
- test RL on simple game
- theoretical results on pyramix (computational complexity etc.)
- poker fully debugged and pristine
- By Sunday, Nov. 18:
- super human pyramix player
- connect 4 solved
- RL tested on pyramix
- By Sunday, Nov. 25:
- our "above and beyond week"
- shocking new discoveries
- world is changed for the better
- By Sunday, Dec. 2:
- presentation made
- final touches
- Minimax + Alpha-Beta Pruning
- Deep Q Learning
- Deep Deterministic Policy Gradients
- Actor Critique
- Monte Carlo Tree Search
- Test Transfer Learning
- Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning
- Try Imitation Learning
- Ultimate goal: the stock market is the most competitive adversarial game in the world.
- To get there, we need to be really, really good players.
- Games like Catan are stochastic and require sharp long-term planning.
- Games like texas hold'em require intelligent understanding of probability spaces and bankroll management.
- We plan to build AIs for these games with classical techniques like minimax w/ alpha-beta pruning and to beat them with modern reinforcement learning techniques.
- To get minimax working well, we're attempting to beat a simpler purely deterministic game like connect-4.
- If we're going to try to make minimax work on connect-4, we better be sure that we can get minimax working
verywell on tic-tac-toe. - We're also solving a more esoteric game called pyramix which seems to be a great mix of AI planning and reinforcement learning.
- CS234: Reinforcement Learning
- Efficient Reinforcement Learning in Adversarial Games
- GANGs: Generative Adversarial Network Games
- Exploration by Random Network Distillation
- Reinforcement Learning with Prediction-Based Rewards
- Human-level control through deep reinforcement learning
- Deep RL Bootcamp
- Reinforcement Learning: Learning to make good sequences of decisions.
- Optimization: Find an optimal way to make decisions––yielding best outcomes.
- Delayed consequences: When planning, decisions involve reasoning about not just immediate benefit of a decision but how its longer term ramifications; when learning, temporal credit assignment is hard (what caused later high or low rewards?).
- Exploration: Learning about the world by making decisions (agent as scientist); Censored data, only get a reward (label) for decision made.
- Generalization: Policy is mapping from past experience to action. AI Planning (vs RL)
- Minimax is AI planning, no need for exploration, already given model of how decisions impact world
- RL needs to explore the world. Imitation Learning
- Reduces RL to Supervised Learning
- Avoids exploration problem
- Limitations: can be expensive to collect data
- Policy Gradients and Actor Critic
- TRPO and PPO
- SVG, DDPG, and Stochastic Computation Graphs
[1] Stanford CS234