The class you wants to serialize must implements \JsonSerializable
Then you have to use JsonSerializeByAttribute
Trait. It contains the serialization method;
for each field or method you want to serialize add the following attribute `#[JsonSerialize] the field name is used as key in the serialized json.
If you want to change the key in the json you have to add it #[JsonSerialize('customPrivateField')]
If null value shouldn't serialized you have to specify it #[JsonSerialize('customPrivateField',false)] by default it is true
A complete example:
use JsonSerializeByAttribute;
private ?string $nullField1;
private ?string $nullField2 = null;
private $privateField;
public $disturbanceField1;
private $disturbanceField2;
public $publicField;
#[JsonSerialize] public Carbon $carbonField;
#[JsonSerialize] public array $unSetArrayField;
#[JsonSerialize] public array $arrayField;
#[JsonSerialize] public array $associativeArrayField;
public JsonTestOneNested $jsonTestOneNested1;
public JsonTestOneNested $jsonTestOneNested2;
public JsonTestOneNestedWithoutJsonSerializable $jsonTestOneNestedWithoutJsonSerializable1;
public function __construct()
$this->privateField = 'privateFieldValue';
$this->publicField = 'publicFieldValue';
$this->carbonField = Carbon::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s', '2023-10-23 11:33:32');
$this->associativeArrayField = ["testKey1" => "testValue1", "testKey2" => "testValue2",];
$this->arrayField = ["test1", "test2"];
$this->jsonTestOneNested2 = new JsonTestOneNested();
$this->jsonTestOneNestedWithoutJsonSerializable1 = new JsonTestOneNestedWithoutJsonSerializable();
public function publicMethod()
return 'publicMethodValue';
public function privateMethod()
return 'privateMethodValue';
public function disturbanceMethod()
return 'disturbanceMethodValue';
class JsonTestOneNested implements \JsonSerializable
use JsonSerializeByAttribute;
private $privateField = "nestedPrivateFieldValue";
class JsonTestOneNestedWithoutJsonSerializable
private $privateField = "nestedPrivateFieldValueWithout";
public $publicFieldWithoutSerializable = "publicFieldWithoutSerializableValue";