This is a system of snippet codes for bash programming
#Insert the snippet into your working code If you want to insert a file into another file in Emacs, type:
M-x: insert-file the_file_I_want
#Basic preliminary things:
#! /bin/bash -x
chmod +x
Now check with ls -l if the file is executable (it must have a x)
#Location independent execution is executed via "bash -x" (-x is useful in debugging)
echo $PATH is the list of directories in which executables file are searched by default
if you want to add another directory (for example you bin directory)
export PATH=$PATH:~gfasanel/bin
This change will last till you close the shell, to make it permanent:
echo 'export PATH=$PATH:~gfasanel/bin' >> ~/.bash_profile
At this point wherever you type, it will look inside the PATH directories. If a is present there, it will execute them
In case of 2 different => /path/