The project consists of a kit for drones that includes an electronic device that functions as a meteorological station used for monitoring the values of environmental temperature, of atmospheric pressure and of humidity. The whole device'll work thanks to Arduino/Genuino MKR1000. The electronic device will have inside a GPS locator so as to know the exact position of the analog readings of the different sensors. The values acquired will be preserved in a KML files on a microSD and you can view them with Google Earth or Google Maps by simply importing the KML file. They can be monitored in real time via Wi-Fi hotspot using a Smatphone, Tablet or PC. In addition to the meteorological data, the device can acquire altitude, geographical coordinates and the speed of the drone in m/s. The device consumes little power and can be powered by a 3.7V LiPo thanks to the potential of mkr1000 board. In summary, the device will have the following characteristics: You will be able to acquire:
- Temperature
- Atmospheric pressure
- Humidity
- Speed
- Altitude drone
- Geographic coordinates
Link tutorial: