Python library for GoReplay Middleware , API is quite similar to NodeJS library
To install GorMW, simply:
$ pip install gor
or from source:
python install
Initialize a TornadoGor based middleware and start it in the following way:
from gor.middleware import TornadoGor
proxy = TornadoGor()
Basic idea is that you write callbacks which respond to request, response, replay, or message events, which contains request meta information and actuall http paylod. Depending on your needs you may compare, override or filter incoming requests and responses.
You can respond to the incoming events using on function, by providing callbacks:
def on_request(proxy, msg, **kwargs):
# do anything you want with msg
# msg is a GorMessage object
proxy = TornadoGor()
proxy.on('request', on_request)
You can provide request ID as additional argument to on function, which allow you to map related requests and responses. Below is example of middleware which checks that original and replayed response have same HTTP status code.
# coding: utf-8
import sys
from gor.middleware import TornadoGor
def on_request(proxy, msg, **kwargs):
proxy.on('response', on_response,, req=msg)
def on_response(proxy, msg, **kwargs):
proxy.on('replay', on_replay, idx=kwargs['req'].id, req=kwargs['req'], resp=msg)
def on_replay(proxy, msg, **kwargs):
replay_status = proxy.http_status(msg.http)
resp_status = proxy.http_status(kwargs['resp'].http)
if replay_status != resp_status:
sys.stderr.write('replay status [%s] diffs from response status [%s]\n' % (replay_status, resp_status))
sys.stderr.write('replay status is same as response status\n')
if __name__ == '__main__':
proxy = TornadoGor()
proxy.on('request', on_request)