After you create your project YAML you can simply load that project and run, build and deploy your function. You can found an addional information of how to create a project YAML for CI/CD here
In this session you would learn how to:
- Load or Create a new project for remote URL
- get a function object
- run a function
- build a function
- deploy a function
- run a workflow
For loading a project you can use :
- load_project thats Load an MLRun project from git or tar or dir
# load the project and run the 'main' workflow
project = load_project("./", "git://",url=<name (in DB) or git or tar.gz or .zip sources archive path>)
- new_project thats Create a new MLRun project, optionally load it from a yaml/zip/git template.
# create a project with local and marketplace functions, a workflow, and an artifact
project = mlrun.new_project("myproj", "./", init_git=True, description="my new project",url=<name (in DB) or git or tar.gz or .zip sources archive path>)
Important Note- If you want to run your code locally you must clone the files to the context directory, execute automaticlly when you load project or create new project and define a url params
For gets function object you will need to use the get_function method. This method allows you to get a function object based on the metadata in your project YAML file.
serving_func = project.get_function('<function name>')
For run a function you will need to use the run_function method. This method allows you to run a MLRun jobs locally and remotely as long as there is no requirments ( if there is any requirments you will need to build a new image before you run a function) It is equivalent to method.
project.run_function(function='<function name>',params={'num':3},local=False)
project.run_function(function='<function name>',params={'num':3},local=True)
For building a new images for MLRun jobs you will need to use the build_function method This method allows you to build a new image based on your job requirements or custom attributes - this method it only for non remote function for example MLRun jobs. It is equivalent to func.deploy() method.
project.build_function('<function name>')
For deplying remote function as nuclio or serving you will need to use the deploy_function method. You must use this method beofre invoke nuclio or serving fucntions. It is equivalent to func.deploy() method.
nuclio_func=project.deploy_function(function='<function name>')
For more Examples you can see Load_project and load_project_clone