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Instructions of Feature “Secret Friends”

Emerson Lin edited this page Dec 7, 2017 · 4 revisions


Feature "Secret Friends" allow you to hide specific friends, after hiding them,

  • Their moments are still visible to you.
  • They will disappear from your contact list or conversation list.
  • You cannot open their chatting windows any more. (You will see a toast says "user not found")

This feature is not enabled by default, you need to turn on it manually and set a initial password.

How to Hide Them?

  1. In the conversation list, long press the conversation of a friend, then click "Hide This Friend" in the popup menu.
  2. In the contact list, long press a friend, then click "Hide This Friend" in the popup menu.
  3. In the Main UI of Wechat, click the "Search" button near the upper-right corner, then enter command "#hide nickname#".

Notice: The "nickname" is not the same as "alias", "alias" is the name you set for your friends, "nickname" is the original name your friends set for themselves.

How to Find Them?

  1. In the Main UI of Wechat, click the "Search" button near the upper-right corner, enter command "#unhide nickname#" and then enter the correct password. This will recover this specific hidden friend.
  2. In the Main UI of Wechat, click the "Search" button near the upper-right corner, enter command "#unhide all#" and then enter the correct password. This will recover all the hidden friends.
  3. Turn off the "Secret Friends" feature in Settings to temporarily recover all the hidden friends.