NEON/AVX simd library, one header file library.
This is a multiplatform simd intrinsic "vector size agnostic" library. There are already libraries to translate intrinsics like SSE2Neon for example. But the idea behind this library is little different : with the same code be able to use 256 bits AVX on my intel-based computer and 128 bits NEON on my M1 Mac.
- extra/simd_math.h : contains math (sin/cos for example) specific functions
- extra/simd_2d_collision.h : 2d collision functions, batch collision to fully use SIMD registers
Simple function to compute aabb from a list of points. Not the most optimal function but does work on any sized simd vector.
#include "simd.h"
typedef struct {float x, y, z;} point;
void simd_compute_aabb(const point* points, int num_points, point* aabb_min, point* aabb_max)
int num_vec = num_points / simd_vector_width;
int remaining_points = num_points - (num_vec * simd_vector_width);
simd_vector min_x = simd_splat(FLT_MAX); simd_vector min_y = min_x; simd_vector min_z = min_x;
simd_vector max_x = simd_splat(-FLT_MAX); simd_vector max_y = max_x; simd_vector max_z = max_x;
for(int i=0; i<num_vec; ++i)
simd_vector x, y, z;
simd_load_xyz_unorder((const float*)points, &x, &y, &z);
min_x = simd_min(min_x, x);
min_y = simd_min(min_y, y);
min_z = simd_min(min_z, z);
max_x = simd_max(max_x, x);
max_y = simd_max(max_y, y);
max_z = simd_max(max_z, z);
points += simd_vector_width;
aabb_min->x = simd_hmin(min_x);
aabb_min->y = simd_hmin(min_y);
aabb_min->z = simd_hmin(min_z);
aabb_max->x = simd_hmax(max_x);
aabb_max->y = simd_hmax(max_y);
aabb_max->z = simd_hmax(max_z);
for(int i=0; i<remaining_points; ++i)
aabb_min->x = min(aabb_min->x, points[i].x);
aabb_min->y = min(aabb_min->y, points[i].y);
aabb_min->z = min(aabb_min->z, points[i].z);
aabb_max->x = max(aabb_max->x, points[i].x);
aabb_max->y = max(aabb_max->y, points[i].y);
aabb_max->z = max(aabb_max->z, points[i].z);
The idea of the libray is to not assume a specific simd vector width (4 for SSE/Neon, 8 for AVX and so on) but use simd_vector_width variable instead. As a result the library does not contains function to shuffle lanes, horizontal operation (which are not optimal anyway). The API is based on AVX and Neon, this is not a direct AVX to Neon translation or vice versa.
simd_vector is typedef to the native simd vector of the platform (avx or neon).
// returns a vector loaded for the pointer [array] of floats
simd_vector simd_load(const float* array);
// loads a partial array of [count] floats, fills the rest with [unload_value]
simd_vector simd_load_partial(const float* array, int count, float unload_value);
// stores a vector [a] at the pointer [array]
void simd_store(float* array, simd_vector a);
// stores [count] floats from vector [a] at pointer [array]
void simd_store_partial(float* array, simd_vector a, int count);
// loads 2 channels data from [array] and deinterleave data in [x] and [y].
// reads simd_vector_width*2 floats. preserves order.
void simd_load_xy(const float* array, simd_vector* x, simd_vector* y);
// loads 2 channels data from [array] and deinterleave data in [x] and [y].
// reads simd_vector_width*2 floats. Does not preserve order, faster on AVX than previous function.
void simd_load_xy_unorder(const float* array, simd_vector* x, simd_vector* y);
// loads 3 channels data from [array] and deinterleave data in [x], [y] and [z].
// reads simd_vector_width*3 floats. preserves order.
void simd_load_xyz(const float* array, simd_vector* x, simd_vector* y, simd_vector* z);
// loads 3 channels data from [array] and deinterleave data in [x], [y] and [z].
// reads simd_vector_width*3 floats. Does not preserve order, faster on AVX than previous function.
void simd_load_xyz_unorder(const float* array, simd_vector* x, simd_vector* y, simd_vector* z);
// loads 4 channels data from [array] and deinterleave data in [x], [y], [z] and [w]
// reads simd_vector_width*4 floats. preserves order.
void simd_load_xyzw(const float* array, simd_vector* x, simd_vector* y, simd_vector* z, simd_vector* w);
// loads 4 channels data from [array] and deinterleave data in [x], [y], [z] and [w]
// reads simd_vector_width*4 floats. Does not preserve order, faster on AVX than previous function.
void simd_load_xyzw_unorder(const float* array, simd_vector* x, simd_vector* y, simd_vector* z, simd_vector* w);
// returns a vector with all lanes set to [value]
simd_vector simd_splat(float value);
// returns a vector with all lanes set zero
simd_vector simd_splat_zero(void);
// export a vector to int16_t : the floats have to be in the right range [-32768.f; 32767.f]
void simd_export_int16(simd_vector input, int16_t* output);
// export 4 vectors to int8_t : the floats have to be in the right range [-128.f; 127.f]
void simd_export_int8(simd_vector a, simd_vector b, simd_vector c, simd_vector d, int8_t* output);
// returns a+b
simd_vector simd_add(simd_vector a, simd_vector b);
// returns a-b
simd_vector simd_sub(simd_vector a, simd_vector b);
// returns a*b
simd_vector simd_mul(simd_vector a, simd_vector b);
// returns a/b
simd_vector simd_div(simd_vector a, simd_vector b);
// returns 1/b
simd_vector simd_rcp(simd_vector a);
// returns 1/sqrt(a)
simd_vector simd_rsqrt(simd_vector a);
// returns sqrt(a)
simd_vector simd_sqrt(simd_vector a);
// returns the absolute value of a
simd_vector simd_abs(simd_vector a);
// returns a*b+c (fused multiply-add)
// with AVX it is emulated if the __FMA__ macro is not defined
simd_vector simd_fmad(simd_vector a, simd_vector b, simd_vector c);
// returns -a
simd_vector simd_neg(simd_vector a);
all comparison functions return a vector with the comparison result in each lanes a value of NAN for true and zero for false those result vectors can be use with simd_select and simd_any
// greater than comparison
simd_vector simd_cmp_gt(simd_vector a, simd_vector b);
// greater or equal comparison
simd_vector simd_cmp_ge(simd_vector a, simd_vector b);
// less than comparison
simd_vector simd_cmp_lt(simd_vector a, simd_vector b);
// less or equal comparison
simd_vector simd_cmp_le(simd_vector a, simd_vector b);
// equal comparison
simd_vector simd_cmp_eq(simd_vector a, simd_vector b);
// not equal comparison
simd_vector simd_cmp_neq(simd_vector a, simd_vector b);
// returns a vector with value from a or b depending of the mask
// mask can be obtain by a comparison
simd_vector simd_select(simd_vector a, simd_vector b, simd_vector mask);
// returns 1 if all abs(a-b) < epsilon, otherwise 0
int simd_equal(simd_vector a, simd_vector b, simd_vector epsilon);
// returns 1 if any of the lanes is true (NAN), otherwise 0
int simd_any(simd_vector a);
// returns 1 if all lanes are true (NAN), otherwise returns 0
int simd_all(simd_vector a);
// returns the fractionnal part of [a]
simd_vector simd_fract(simd_vector a);
// returns the largest integer not greater than [a]
simd_vector simd_floor(simd_vector a);
// returns the smallest integer less than [a]
simd_vector simd_ceil(simd_vector a);
// returns round value to the nearest integer
simd_vector simd_round(simd_vector a);
// returns a logical or b (based on bits)
simd_vector simd_or(simd_vector a, simd_vector b);
// returns a logical and b (based on bits)
simd_vector simd_and(simd_vector a, simd_vector b);
// returns a logical and not b (based on bits)
simd_vector simd_andnot(simd_vector a, simd_vector b);
// returns the minimum value of all lanes in the vector
float simd_hmin(simd_vector a);
// returns the maximum value of all lanes in the vector
float simd_hmax(simd_vector a);
// returns the sum of all lanes
float simd_hsum(simd_vector a);
// returns a sorted vector in ascending order
simd_vector simd_sort(simd_vector input);
// reverses the order of the vector
simd_vector simd_reverse(simd_vector a);
// returns a vector with minimum values from a and b
simd_vector simd_min(simd_vector a, simd_vector b);
// returns a vector with maximum values from a and b
simd_vector simd_max(simd_vector a, simd_vector b);
// returns a vector with values clamped between [range_min] and [range_max]
simd_vector simd_clamp(simd_vector a, simd_vector range_min, simd_vector range_max);
// returns a vector with values in [0;1]
simd_vector simd_saturate(simd_vector a);
// returns a linear interpolated vector based on [a] and [b] with [t] values in [0;1] range
simd_vector simd_lerp(simd_vector a, simd_vector b, simd_vector t);