The official Node.js client for the Gem API.
npm install
// Set the SDK constants.
const { GEM_API_KEY, GEM_API_SECRET } = process.env;
const { Gem } = require('').SDK;
// Create client instance.
const gem = new Gem({
apiKey: GEM_API_KEY,
secretKey: GEM_API_SECRET,
environment: 'sandbox',
(async () => {
try {
const applicationUsers = await gem.listUsers();
const firstUser = applicationUsers[0];
const transactions = await gem.listTransactions({ userId: });
console.log('User Transactions', transactions);
} catch (e) {
console.error('Gem Error', e);
const gem = new Gem({
/* Configuration Parameters */
Configuration Parameters:
parameter | description |
apiKey | Gem API key for the respective environment. |
secretKey | Gem API secret for the respective environment. |
environment | The Gem API environment. Options: sandbox or production. |
options | Configuration options that are passed to the Axios Client for each request made to the API. |
method | parameters | description |
getUser | (userId: string) | Get a user by ID. |
listUsers | (pageNumber?: number, pageSize?: number) | List all users |
method | parameters | description |
createProfile | ( userId: string, profile: ProfileModel ) | Create a profile. |
method | parameters | description |
createProfileDocument | ( profileId: string, document: FormData ) | Attach a document to a profile. (Documents may have many files associated.) |
method | parameters | description |
getInstitution | ( institutionId: string ) | Get an institution by ID. |
listInstitutions | none | List all supported institutions. |
method | parameters | description |
getTransaction | ( transactionId: string ) | Get a transaction by ID. |
listTransactions | ({ userId?: string, accountId?: string, beforeId?: string, afterId?: string, limit?: number }?: object) | Get a list of transactions. |
method | parameters | description |
getAssets | ( assetId: string, source?: string ) | Get assets from a source. assetIds can be a comma seperated list. |
listAssets | ( category: 'cryptocurrency' or 'fiat' ) | List all supported assets of a certain category. |
method | parameters | description |
listSupportedCurrencies | (institutionId: wyre or coinify) | List payment methods for a particular institution and their supported currencies. |
method | parameters | description |
getAssetPrice | ( assetId: string, currencyId: string, source?: string ) | Get an asset price in units of a requested currency. |
listAssetPrices | ( assetIds: string, currencyId: string, source?: string ) | List asset prices in units of a requested currency. |
Each function makes a request to Gem's API and returns a promise in response.
const gem = new Gem({
/* Configuration Parameters */
const client = gem.client;
client.get(path, parameters, options);, body, options);
client.put(path, body, options);
client.patch(path, body, options);
client.delete(path, body, options);
Setting the DEBUG environment variable will turn on Gem client debug logging.
DEBUG=gem:* node bin/my_program