A web application that allows you to see estimated profitability on Meteora DLMM pools for a specific wallet or transaction.
When you provide liquidity on the Meteora protocol, you can earn points toward the MET token. Read the 10% LP Stimulus Plan proposal for more info.
Transaction data is saved in your web browser's storage to speed up future visits made to the tool. If you clear your browser data, it will need to perform the initial load over again. The initial load can take quite some time if you have a wallet with many transactions.
See how much profit you have earned over time.
The bar chart shows you the tokens you've LPed, sorted by profit, so you can quickly and easily identify your big winners and big losers. When you mouseover them, you get a tooltip that provides some detai with your market making performance for the token.
By default, the charts and quote token summaries are displayed in terms of the quote token. However, you can toggle the display to show the profits in USD instead.
Click the Display Filters toggle, and the filter options will be displayed. There are a number of different ways to filter the analysis:
- Transaction date
- Transaction status: look at only open or closed positions, or all statuses
- Hawksight positions: include or exclude them, or look at only Hawksight positions
- Quote tokens: this is the token used to denominate the price of the other token (in most cases, SOL or USDC)
- Base tokens: this is the token which is being bought/sold using the quote token
You can download all your transactions in a CSV file. If you're a nerd that knows SQL, you can download the SQLite database used to store transaction data. If you need a SQL client to dig into the database, I highly recommend DBeaver.
By default the app uses dark mode, but you can switch to light mode if you really want to.
- Meteora DLMM Datbase
- Next.js 14
- NextUI
- Tailwind CSS
- Tailwind Variants
- TypeScript
- Framer Motion
- next-themes
Install bun using the instructions at https://bun.sh/docs/installation.
Install using bun:
bun install
bun run dev
The app can be built to be hosted on 100% static HTML pages, which will be
output to /out
. To build the project:
bun run build