Advisagator allows you to download a 4 year plan template to be filled out by you and then uploaded back up. The tool automatically adds your name to start of the file name so that is easy for the adviser to recognize and manage the different plans that are uploaded by several students.
This tool was made to aid communication between student and adviser and helps reduce unnecessarily meeting in person and allows the professor to keep track of the student's progress in each year.
Advisagator uses a Pipenv-built virtual environment
to standardize the execution of the project. If you don't have pipenv we highly
recommend installing it using pip
pip install pipenv
If for some reason this doesn't work for you, you can check out the pipenv github.
After cloning the repo for the first time, run
pipenv install --dev
to install the developer and default packages. To get a list of scripts for the
project, inspect the [scripts]
tag in Pipfile
cat Pipfile
Finally, to run the project locally in development mode:
pipenv run server
Or use the following to see all the options:
pipenv run python --help