Scratch implementation of all the layers of a simple convolutional neural network using basic python libraries.
The notebook displays scratch implementation of all the layers in a convolution neural network using numpy fit forward as well as backward pass.
The implemented layers are:
1. 2D Convolutional Layer
Parameters: in_channels,filter_size,filter_num, padding=0, stride=1, bias=True, conv_layer=1
in_channels:int -> number of input channels
filter size: int -> size of the convolution kernel
filter_num:int -> number of kernels
padding:int -> by defaut 0 and implements zero padding
output size= (input size-filter size + 2*padding)/stride) +1<br />
For backpropagation in 2d convolutional layer, refer to
2. 2D Max Pooling Layer
Outputs the maximum value in the filter.
Parameters: pool_size, stride, padding=0
pool size: int -> size of the max kernel
3. 2D Average Pooling Layer
Averages the value in the filter.
Parameters: pool_size, stride, padding=0
pool size: int -> size of the max kernel
4. Flatten Layer
Converts the 2D input to a 1D array.
5. Activation layer Layer
Implements three activations function - sigmoid, ReLu, Softmax
6. Linear Layer
Python class implementing single layered neural network.
Dataset link: KMINST