QA automation tool
pack - collection of docker images with descriptions how to deploy them deploy required pack on specified host (by name | label) basically create test stand for || autotests *optionally for manual usage
"autotests must go on" always up - no errors shall crush it.
connects to multiple hosts with docker (http | ssh (unix socket))
each hosts may have multiple network interfaces
connected host up/down/edit/add/delete on fly
maintenance mode. for registry maintenance cleanup. (no new deployments, new packs)
json description for pack creations
json description for pack deployment
deploy container params overrides
update deployed pack
monitor dumps
collect various data on demand(logs, dumps & etc)
optional sniffer for pack components
global shared resources (docker images with bin data that can be connected to deployed pack)
- not supposed to be secured per se, just protection from accidental "tremored hands"