Solution for collecting bills (electricity, water, communications, and telephones, etc) and providing insight on your consumption pattern(something like a chart) comparing you with similar households/individuals and helping you reduce consumption.
Heroku link , Click here to visit our app
use these credientials:
email: [email protected]
password: 123456
- Imad Shatali
- Abeer Karam
- Ahmad Safi
- Mohammed Irheem
- Rehab Al-Shawaf
It is hard for anyone to track and manage their bills. Also, we don't know if our consumption is over normal or not.
we want to create a website to manage and track your bills and show you a comparison between your bills with other people's bills who are from the same category. Also, we will show you some tips to reduce your consumption when you are over normal.
- Clone this repo.
- Navigate to the cloned repo.
If you have pgcli skip this step.
- Install PostgreSQL database
- Along side with pgcli
- instructions on how to install pgcli
Open your terminal, run pgcli, navigate through the project to this path:
Copy this file path and write in the terminal:
\i <paste your copied path to the file>
- build the dummy data by using this command:
npm run build:db
- Create a
file in the project root folder. - Add the following in it This step is so important!!
DATABASE_URL= postgres://billssys:123@localhost:5432/billssys
- To install the dependencies, run this command only for the first time:
npm i
- To run the server, Open your terminal and run:
npm run server
- To run the React Development server, Open another terminal and run:
npm run client
- To run the tests:
npm test
This is the schema of our database
- As a user, I can see all my bills.
- As a user, I can see my old bills.
- As a user, I can see a comparison other people from the same category during this month.
- As a user, I can switch between Arabic and English
- As a user, I can see some tips to reduce my consumptions.
- ReactJS (Hooks).
- Tailwind.
- i18next.
- chartJS
- Express.
- sequelize.
- create huge amount of dummy data.
- using new technologies like sequelize, localization, chartJS and tailwind.
- making a user testing and get real users feedback.