- Hassan Elnajar
- Muhammad Abdulhadi
- Alaa abo swaireh
- Ahmad Salah.
This website is a simple blogger site, so every user can create post whatever his age or religion or his tendencies.
1- sign up as new users.
2- sign in to the website by there users:
3- write posts on the blog.
4- you can see the other users posts.
5- you can log out from our website
Usually, everyone has an idea or whatever thought in his mind and any crazy point just creates a user and blows your keyboard.
We have tow main pages in our website :
login pagge 💯
- login section
- sign up section
home page split to three column:100:
- all users on the website.
- all posts ordered by date.
- log out and user detail.
firstly the website created by - html , css , javascript , nodjs, express ,postgres database
1- more effective validate for users 2- edit the posts. 3- delete post 4- edit the user information 5- add a comment to the posts.