Run and develop with just git and docker installed on your system. Tested on Linux, Mac and Windows.
To get started, clone the TalentCloud repo to this directory.
$ git clone
$ git clone [email protected]:GCTC-NTGC/TalentCloud.git
From this directory run:
$ docker-compose build
$ docker-compose up
You can setup talent cloud in various ways by editing the .env
the following instructions are for if you are using the default environment configuration.
Make a hosts entry for talent.test that points to localhost, you should then be able to access the application at https://talent.test/ (you will need to accept the self-signed certificate).
Build your containers
$ docker-compose build
See status of containers
$ docker ps
Start your containers
$ docker-compose up
Stop your containers
$ docker-compose down
Run a command from your primary docker container
docker exec -it talentcloud-op <command>
Useful commands
docker exec -it talentcloud-op npm install
docker exec -it talentcloud-op npm run dev
docker exec -it talentcloud-op make npm-dev
Get shell access to the primary container
docker exec -it talentcloud-op sh
Restart Docker (Windows and OSX)
docker-machine restart
Restart Docker (Linux)
sudo service docker restart
Purge all stopped containers
docker system prune -a
- nginx (front-end) exposed on ports 80, 443
- talentcloud-op: asserts environment and used for ongoing development
- talentcloud: the php-fpm application
- Postgres
- adminer exposed on port 8060