Apache CouchDB on iOS provides a simple way to sync your application data across devices and provide cloud backup of user data. Unlike other cloud solutions, the data is hosted on the device by Couchbase Mobile, so even when the network is down or slow (airplane, subway, backyard) the application is responsive to users.
What this means for you:
- You can embed the rock solid distributed database, Mobile Couchbase, on your iOS device.
- Your iOS apps can use Apache CouchDB's well-proven synchronization technology.
- If you <3 CouchApps, you can deploy them as iOS apps.
There is a Google Group here for Mobile Couchbase. Let's talk about how to optimize the Erlang build, what the best Cocoa APIs are for CouchDB, how to take advantage of replication on mobile devices. It'll be fun.
You have a choice: build the Couchbase framework from source, or download a pre-compiled version. If you just want to use Couchbase Mobile in your apps, you will probably want the pre-compiled version. It will save you the trouble of having to check out this repository, acquire the prerequisites, configure and build. Download it here, then skip to the section "Using The Framework In Your Xcode Projects".
But if you want to contribute to Couchbase Mobile itself, and don't mind getting your hands dirty with Erlang, SpiderMonkey, OpenSSL, fat static frameworks, armv6 vs. armv7 ... then read on.
The following instructions can be used to build Mobile Couchbase for devices and simulators, using Xcode 4. (It is possible the projects might still work with Xcode 3, but we're not testing or supporting this anymore. It's difficult enough to get all the moving parts to mesh together in one version of Xcode at a time!)
These instructions assume you are experienced with Xcode and iPhone development. If you have questions or get stuck, ask on the Google group.
You will need to have the Erlang compiler installed on your Mac. The easiest way to do this is via the Homebrew package manager. (MacPorts also has Erlang, but it currently doesn't work correctly on Mac OS X 10.7.)
- If you haven't already, install homebrew.
- Enter
sudo brew install erlang
at a shell.
This may take a while to build.
git clone git://github.com/couchbaselabs/iOS-Couchbase.git
cd iOS-Couchbase/
git submodule init
git submodule update
open Couchbase.xcworkspace
- Select "CouchBase.framework > iOS Device" from the scheme popup in the toolbar.
- Select "Product > Build For > Build For Archiving" -- this will build an optimized version.
The framework will be created at
- First build the framework if you haven't already (the app target's dependencies won't correctly build the framework)
- Select "Empty App" from the scheme popup in the toolbar (choosing the appropriate destination, either device or simulator)
- Click the Run button
The empty app, as the name implies, doesn't actually do anything. It's just an integration test to make sure CouchDB can initialize and run. If everything goes correctly, the last line logged to the Xcode console should end with "Everything works!". Otherwise the app should log an error message and exit.
- Open your Xcode project.
- Drag the Couchbase.framework you built previously into the “Frameworks” section of the file list in your project window.
- Link your target against the Security framework if it doesn't already. Go to the target's Build Phases and open "Link Binary With Libraries". If "Security.framework" isn't in the list, click the "+" button, and add it.
- Similarly, if your project doesn't already contain any C++ code, you'll need to add the C++ library ("libstdc++.dylib") using the same steps as above.
- Go to the target's Build Phases and add a new Run Script phase.
- Paste the following into the script content of the new phase. (NOTE: If you put the Couchbase framework elsewhere, update the path in the 2nd argument to ‘rsync’ accordingly.)
Important: The rsync
command below is a single long line. Do not put a newline in the middle!
# The 'CouchbaseResources' subfolder of the framework contains Erlang code
# and other resources needed at runtime. Copy it into the app bundle:
rsync -a "${SRCROOT}/Frameworks/Couchbase.framework/CouchbaseResources" "${TARGET_BUILD_DIR}/${UNLOCALIZED_RESOURCES_FOLDER_PATH}"
That’s it for the project setup. In your application code, you’ll need to start the CouchbaseMobile object at launch time. (See CouchbaseMobile.h, and see EmptyAppDelegate.m for an example of how to call it.)
Portions under Apache, Erlang, and other licenses.
The overall package is released under the Apache license, 2.0.
Copyright 2011, Couchbase, Inc.