Welcome to General Assembly's Android Development Immersive. We are building a global community of lifelong learners who are excited about developing mobile applications to solve real world problems, and we're really excited for you to join us!
This material will ensure your success in this Android Development Immersive course.
You are required to submit the following materials before the first day of class:
These resources ensure everyone will start from the same minimum required baseline knowledge of Java on the first day of class.
This Study Guide will prepare you for the Quiz and more importantly, the course itself. We expect you to get through the required material in the Study Guide before the first day of class. Please take this seriously. The more effort you put upfront, the better your experience will be in the course.
Failure to complete all requirements will result in you being excused from the course.
Your Android Immersive Team
- All content is licensed under a CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 license.
- All software code is licensed under GNU GPLv3. For commercial use or alternative licensing, please contact [email protected].