Simple desktop app created using these technologies:
##Project contains:
- Redux devtools
- hot reloading for React components without babel nor webpack
- working test example
- image-downloader: downloads images
- image-size: measures image size
- pdfkit: craetes pdf file
- react, react-dom, react-redux, redux: basic React+Redux setup
- react-addons-css-transition-group: add-on component for easily implementing basic CSS animations and transitions
- redux-logic: creates a place for executing a business logic based on dispached actions (Uses RxJS under the hood)
- immutability-helper: mutates a copy of data without changing the original source
- x-ray: scrapes data from web pages
##Dev Dependencies:
- electron: Electron :)
- electron-packager: Electron packager
- electron-devtools-installer, redux-devtools, redux-devtools-extension: Redux devtools
- electron-hot-loader, watch-glob: hot reload
- mocha, enzyme, expect, react-addons-test-utils: tests
- cross-env, npm-run-all: npm cli tools
- browserify, del, envify, gulp, gulp-uglify, gulp-util, reactify, uglify-js, vinyl-buffer, vinyl-source-stream: Gulp build system with other useful modules for easier build management