Educational Management System The Educational Management System is a comprehensive software application that helps educational institutions, including schools, colleges, and universities, manage various aspects of their operations. This system provides a centralized platform to manage the academic, administrative, and financial activities of an educational institution.
Features The Educational Management System provides the following features:
Authentication : Sign up and Login processes . There will be 2 types of accounts, Teachers account and students account
Student Management: Manage student information, assignment subsmissions and attendance records
Education Process : Teachers will upload documents and assignments for students in a particular classroom. Students will be allowed to ask questions in a forum and also upload their assignments to be reviewed abs
Easy view of documents : Process will be provided to allow teachers and students view a document or file on the website without necessarily downloading them
Live class sessions : Coming soon
Classroom Invitation : Students can only access a classroom and its resources when they are a member of the particular classroom . Teachers can also decide to remove a student from the classroom if they want to. In same way a student can exit a classroom
Installation To install and run the Educational Management System on your local machine, follow these steps:
Clone the repository from GitHub:
bash || cmd Copy code Install the required dependencies:
Copy code npm install Create a Firebase account and set up a new project. Add your Firebase project configuration to the .env file:
npm start The Educational Management System should now be up and running on http://localhost:3000.
Contributing If you would like to contribute to the Educational Management System, please follow these steps:
Fork the repository on GitHub.
Create a new branch and make your changes.
Submit a pull request to the main repository.
License The Educational Management System is open source software licensed under the MIT License.