User and Tag management API for Forsta Messaging Platform
This PHP package is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:
- API version: v1
- Build package: io.swagger.codegen.languages.PhpClientCodegen
PHP 5.5 and later
To install the bindings via Composer, add the following to composer.json
"repositories": [
"type": "git",
"url": ""
"require": {
"ForstaLabs/atlas-client-php": "*@dev"
Then run composer install
Download the files and include autoload.php
To run the unit tests:
composer install
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');
// Configure API key authorization: JSON Web Token
$config = Swagger\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKey('Authorization', 'YOUR_API_KEY');
// Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
// $config = Swagger\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKeyPrefix('Authorization', 'Bearer');
$apiInstance = new Swagger\Client\Api\ApiTokenRefreshApi(
// If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
// This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
new GuzzleHttp\Client(),
$data = new \Swagger\Client\Model\Refresh(); // \Swagger\Client\Model\Refresh |
try {
$result = $apiInstance->apiTokenRefreshCreate($data);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling ApiTokenRefreshApi->apiTokenRefreshCreate: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
ApiTokenRefreshApi | apiTokenRefreshCreate | POST /api-token-refresh/ | Returns a refreshed token (with new expiration) based on existing token |
ConversationApi | conversationCreate | POST /conversation/ | Creates a conversation token. |
ConversationApi | conversationEdit | POST /conversation/{conversation_token}/ | Facilitates placing a user into a Conversation specified by its token. |
ConversationApi | conversationRead | GET /conversation/{conversation_token}/ | Returns information about a conversation (if the requestor is the creator). |
DirectoryApi | directoryDomainList | GET /directory/domain/ | Global domain directory. |
DirectoryApi | directoryUserList | GET /directory/user/ | Global user directory. |
EphemeralTokenApi | ephemeralTokenCreate | POST /ephemeral-token | Retrieves the ephemeral user token |
EphemeralTokenApi | ephemeralTokenDelete | DELETE /ephemeral-token | Delete the ephemeral user token |
EphemeralUserApi | ephemeralUserCreate | POST /ephemeral-user/ | Create an ephemeral user |
LoginApi | loginCreate | POST /login/ | Returns a JWT based on password, otp, or authtoken login mechanisms |
LoginApi | loginSendRead | GET /login/send/{org}/{tag_slug}/ | Returns the current authentication method for the specified user |
OrgApi | orgCreate | POST /org/ | |
OrgApi | orgDelete | DELETE /org/{id}/ | |
OrgApi | orgList | GET /org/ | |
OrgApi | orgPartialUpdate | PATCH /org/{id}/ | |
OrgApi | orgRead | GET /org/{id}/ | |
OrgApi | orgUpdate | PUT /org/{id}/ | |
PasswordApi | passwordResetCreate | POST /password/reset/ | Sends email or SMS to a user with a one time token for password resetting. |
PasswordApi | passwordResetUpdate | PUT /password/reset/{user_id}/ | Confirm the password reset via token. |
RecoverApi | recoverEmailRead | GET /recover/email/{email}/ | Sends a list of existing accounts to a users email |
RecoverApi | recoverPhoneRead | GET /recover/phone/{phone}/ | Sends a list of existing user accounts based on phone number |
TagApi | tagCreate | POST /tag/ | |
TagApi | tagDelete | DELETE /tag/{id}/ | |
TagApi | tagList | GET /tag/ | |
TagApi | tagPartialUpdate | PATCH /tag/{id}/ | |
TagApi | tagRead | GET /tag/{id}/ | |
TagApi | tagUpdate | PUT /tag/{id}/ | |
TagPickApi | tagPickList | GET /tag-pick/ | |
TagmathApi | tagmathCreate | POST /tagmath/ | Request information based on tag expressions |
UserApi | userCreate | POST /user/ | |
UserApi | userDelete | DELETE /user/{id}/ | |
UserApi | userInvite | POST /user/{id}/invite/ | |
UserApi | userList | GET /user/ | |
UserApi | userPartialUpdate | PATCH /user/{id}/ | |
UserApi | userRead | GET /user/{id}/ | |
UserApi | userUpdate | PUT /user/{id}/ | |
UserauthtokenApi | userauthtokenCreate | POST /userauthtoken/ | Create an auth token |
UserauthtokenApi | userauthtokenDelete | DELETE /userauthtoken/{id}/ | Delete a token based on token id |
UserauthtokenApi | userauthtokenList | GET /userauthtoken/ | Retrieve the list of auth tokens for a specified user |
UsertagApi | usertagCreate | POST /usertag/ | |
UsertagApi | usertagDelete | DELETE /usertag/{id}/ | |
UsertagApi | usertagList | GET /usertag/ | |
UsertagApi | usertagRead | GET /usertag/{id}/ |
- AssociatedTags
- AssociatedUsers
- BulkTagmathViewRequest
- BulkTagmathViewResponse
- BulkTagmathViewResults
- ConversationCreate
- ConversationUseViewRequest
- ConversationUseViewResponse
- DomainDirectory
- EphemeralTokenPostResponse
- EphemeralUser
- EphemeralUserViewPostResponse
- InlineResponse200
- InlineResponse2001
- InlineResponse2002
- InlineResponse2003
- InlineResponse2004
- InlineResponse2005
- InlineResponse2006
- LightTag
- LightUser
- LoginResponse
- Org
- Org1
- Org2
- PasswordReset
- PasswordResetConfirm
- PasswordResetViewPostResponse
- PasswordResetViewPutResponse
- PickedTag
- RecoverCredentialsEmailViewResponse
- RecoverCredentialsPhoneViewResponse
- Refresh
- Tag
- Tag1
- Tag2
- User
- UserAuthTokenViewGetResponse
- UserAuthTokenViewPostRequest
- UserAuthTokenViewPostResponse
- UserAuthentication
- UserDirectory
- UserInviteResponse
- UserLoginSend
- UserTag
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: Authorization
- Location: HTTP header