released this
13 Feb 16:09
1.0.0 (2024-02-13)
Add change theme docs (0203880 )
Add color swatches (7d82397 )
Add logo (ec13ac8 )
add the credential-service components (WIP the a.styling) and refactor the d-avatar (ff1f0a4 )
Avatar: Add toc and autodocs to preview somponent (0146870 )
button: New shiny component is in da houz (#32 ) (ebe149c )
credential card (#26 ) (1200fd0 )
credential details card (#37 ) (52831a0 )
credential-offer and definitions (#44 ) (d51a614 )
exporting the types and bundle components (72b65b4 )
monochrom yellow colors and font (3d4c71b )
New colors and typographic family (#27 ) (13f82ec )
publish storybook from actions (e4b0b96 )
typography: d-heading and d-text in da houze (#33 ) (86352cc )
Bug Fixes
Add correct licensing (c22e1bb )
avatar: inverted dark/light mode (7241023 )
broken refactoring (1fb8a34 )
correct attribution and correct pnpm version (63b6802 )
correct load of tailwind modules after postcss (c021677 )
dark and light variables (b971b1d )
dark mode not shown without class (#35 ) (c20f2b5 )
fix online documentation paths (d1d5bf6 )
Fixed tests (f886421 )
metadata packages update (b88b45d )
remove inverted colors (2061f33 )
remove the useless rollup-plugin-copy in place of the native (eb106ad )
truncate long lines of the credential-service (71cf6a0 )
upgrade dependencies and fix the lockfile (3ab712f )
You can’t perform that action at this time.