git flow init
Initialize empty Git repository and create a feature, realease, hotfix, support and version branch.
git flow feature start featureName
Start the development of a new feature.
git flow feature publish featureName
Publish a feature to the remote server.
git flow feature finish featureName
Finish the development of the feature.
git flow feature pull origin featureName
Get a feature published by another user.
git flow feature track featureName
Track a feature on origin.
git flow release start releaseName
Create a release branch created from the 'develop' branch.
git flow release publish releaseName
Publish the release branch after creating it to allow release commits by other developers.
git flow release finish releaseName
Finish the release which means, merges the release branch back into 'master', Tags the release with its name, Back-merges the release into 'develop' and Removes the release branch.
git flow hotfix start versionName
Create a hotfix branch.
git flow hotfix finish versionName
Finish a hotfix branch which means, the hotfix branch merge back into develop and master.