A python wrapper for the avdmanager and emulator command line tool
Pyavd is a wrapper for the avdmanager from google and the commonly used emulator from google. You can create, manage and start Android Virtual Devices (AVDs) using python.
- currently only linux is officially supported, but windows/macos might work as well
- installed android-sdk
from time import sleep
import pyavd
# If the emulator/avdmanager executables are not in the path, include the following
#pyavd.pyavd.avd_cmd = "/path/to/avdmanager"
#pyavd.pyavd.emulator_cmd = "/path/to/emulator"
# Get all the avaliable devices
devices = pyavd.Device.get_devices()
# Declare a package and name
package = "system-images;android-32;google_apis;x86"
name = "created_with_pyavd"
# Create a avd with the declared variables and a chosen device
avd = pyavd.AVD.create(name, package, devices[22])
# Use a custom config
custom_config = "-no-snapshot"
# Start it in detached mode
p = avd.start(detach=True, config=custom_config)
# After 10 seconds stop it again and delete it