A Symfony 5.4 LTS project to manage Box Idiomes website content with custom ERP integrated functionalities.
- PHP 8.3
- MySQL 8.0
- Git 2.0
- Composer 2.0
- Yarn 1.0
- set php.ini config max_input_vars > 10.000
$ git clone [email protected]:Flexible-User-Experience/box-idiomes-4.git box-idiomes-4
$ cd box-idiomes-4
$ cp env.dist .env
$ nano .env
$ composer install
$ yarn install
$ php bin/console messenger:consume async --env=prod
Remember to edit .env
config file according to your system environment needs.
$ ./scripts/developer-tools/test-database-reset.sh
$ ./scripts/developer-tools/run-test.sh
- Read about how to start a local web server instance here
In a production environment remember to properly configure Messenger queue consumers handled by a Supervisor instance. Read these instructions.
Execute following link to be sure that php-cs-fixer will be applied automatically before every commit. Please, check https://github.com/FriendsOfPHP/PHP-CS-Fixer to install it globally (manual) in your system.
$ ln -s ../../scripts/githooks/pre-commit .git/hooks/pre-commit