#Welcome to the edison_iot wiki!
###Setup Steps:
1- Download Intel software: https://software.intel.com/en-us/iot/getting-started
2- Download and install Edison operating system (Yocto complete image): http://www.intel.com/support/edison/sb/CS-035286.htm#1
3- Setup Wifi Connection: http://www.intel.com/support/edison/sb/CS-035342.htm
4- Configure opkg:
a. opkg install git
b. Note: If you get the error Unknown package 'git', add this repo to the feeds (vi /etc/opkg/base-feeds.conf)
src all http://iotdk.intel.com/repos/1.1/iotdk/all
src x86 http://iotdk.intel.com/repos/1.1/iotdk/x86
src i586 http://iotdk.intel.com/repos/1.1/iotdk/i586
c. opkg update
5- opkg install libusb-1.0-dev
6- Install GreenBean package: https://github.com/GEMakers/green-bean
7- Connect GreenBean to the Arduino Breakout Kit. Move sw1 towards the USB port.
8- Run HidTest.js
9- If the GreenBean HID information is displayed, you are good to go!
#Examples: ###1- HidTest.js
Displays all the HID devices conncected to the Edison board.
USB-> GreenBean board
###2- LedBlink.js
Blinks LED (GPIO13) on the Arduino Breakout Kit every 500 ms.
###3- SwitchTest.js
Turns on/off LED (GPIO12) based on the switch (GPIO11) state.
GPIO12 -> LED -> 220 ohm -> Gnd
5 VDC -> TouchSensor VCC
Gnd -> TouchSensor GND
GPIO11-> TouchSensor SIG
####Switch Test Video: https://github.com/elrafapadron/edison_iot/blob/master/media/VID_20150401_180515.mp4
###4- WebLedTest.js
Turns on/off LED from a web page. Use ifconfig to get ip address before running script.
GPIO12 -> LED -> 220 ohm -> Gnd
###5- RefrigeratorDoorTest.js
Turns on/off LED based on the door status. Door status is displayed after refreshing the web page. Use ifconfig to get ip address before running script.
GPIO12 -> LED -> 220 ohm -> Gnd
USB -> GreenBean board -> Refrigerator