Welcome to my first Python project - a password generator program! This project includes both a terminal-based version (PasswordGenerator) and a GUI-based application (PasswordGeneratorApp) for generating secure passwords. The GUI version utilizes customTkinter for its interface.
- PasswordGenerator.py - Terminal-based password generator
- PasswordGeneratorApp.py - GUI-based password generator application
- password_generator_icon.ico - Icon file for the GUI application
To use this program, make sure that you have Python installed. For the GUI-based application, you'll also need to install customTkinter library. You can install it with terminal or command prompt, with the following command:
pip install customtkinter
To run the program, use the following command:
python PasswordGeneratorApp.py
Password Length - The user can set the password length within the range of 6 to 50 characters.
Character Types - The user must select at least one of the following character types:
- Lowercase Letters - Includes lowercase alphabetic characters (a-z).
- Uppercase Letters - Includes uppercase alphabetic characters (A-Z).
- Digits - Includes numeric characters (0-9).
- Special Characters - Includes special characters: !"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[]^_`{|}~
- The application ensures that at least one character type is selected before generating the password.
- If no character type is selected or invalid password length is provided, the password will not be generated.
If you wish to use the provided icon for application, or any other, follow these steps:
- Place the icon file in the same project folder as the PasswordGeneratorApp.
- Navigate to line 12 in the script and remove the comment # at the beginning.
- If you are using your own icon, put the icon file name like this:
- Terminal-based version
- GUI-based application
This project makes use of the customTkinter library, developed by Tom Schimansky.
For more information, visit: