Replicate Instragram-style filters in PHP. Translates photoshop functions to PHP.
The tmp directory must be writable.
Fork and pull request any useful changes you make.
->resize(200, 200)
->apply_filter(new Instafilter\Filter\Earlybird())
n.b. applying the filter is quite slow; You'll get a significant performance gain by resizing before applying the filter.
If you don't use an autoloader, you'll need to load in the classes:
- Add more filters
- (Somehow) Improve performance
- Improve interface
- Implement more photoshop functions in imagemagick
- Implement 'curves' properly by using polynomial regression to get the coefficients needed for imagick's FX function
- Abstract and decouple from Image class
- Make composer/packagist compatible
Rob McCann
- FuelPHP for use of (parts of) their image class.
- Daniel Box for his Photoshop actions for instagram filters (