npm install
npm start
npm test
- Anzeige von Sparks
- Drag and drop logik
- Dynamische Anzahl von Ideen
- Clustering Logik
- Rename Clusters, onDoubleClick on header. save onEnter
- Zoomable Map of idea space, how to navigate on the map?
- Export Button off idea Space.
- List of Clusters as DropZone to easily move ideas
- click on cluster list item to focus on that cluster on the map
- bring ideas in relation, build Clusters, summerize and filter them to generate quality ideas from that.
id: uuid,
title: string,
content: string,
created: UTC-time,
creator: User,
currentVersion: boolean,
iconPath: string,
applicationAreas: Array [],
ideaContest: uuid,
ideaDetails: string,
ideaProblem: string,
ideaUsers: Array [],
ideaUsersOther: string,
inspiredBy: Array [],
status: string