Collectors App
Project Overview
The Collectors App is a web application designed for managing and showcasing personal collections. Users can view and add items, with each item categorized by theme and detailed with statistics.
Features and Requirements
• Theme-Based Organization: Items are categorized by theme (e.g., coins, stamps).
• Detailed Stats: Each item includes at least three statistics (e.g., acquisition date, estimated value, rarity).
• Database Integration: Utilizes an SQL database to store and retrieve collection data.
• Visual Display: Items are presented with their statistics on the web interface.
Technical Details
• Frontend: Developed using HTML, CSS, and PHP.
• Backend: Connects to an SQL database.
• Database: Stores collections and serves data to the web application.
Live Demo
You can view and interact with the live version of the project here: Exoplanets App
Technologies Used
- Docker
- Heroku
- JawsDB
- Git
- PHP Storm