Releases: FAForever/java-ice-adapter
Releases · FAForever/java-ice-adapter
3.3.10 - Manual reconnect
What's Changed
- Fix opening the Debug window by @GodFuper in #60
- Adding a Reconnect button to manually restore the connection by @GodFuper in #61
- Fix possible null dereferencing by @rigomate in #58
- Infer static code analysis by @rigomate in #49
- Apply code formatting with Spotless and palantir format by @Brutus5000 in #62
- Apply OpenRewrite Java17 migration by @Brutus5000 in #63
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 3.3.9...3.3.10
3.3.9 - Fix CPU load on disconnect & echo metrics
What's Changed
- Count echos received per peer & improved cleanup of peer state by @Brutus5000 in #56
Full Changelog: v3.3.8...3.3.9
Full Changelog: v3.3.8...3.3.9-RC3
Full Changelog: v3.3.8...3.3.9-RC2
3.3.9-RC1 Count echos received per peer
Full Changelog: v3.3.8...3.3.9-RC1
v3.3.8 - Forward compatibility for future cli args
Full Changelog: v3.3.7...v3.3.8
v3.3.7 - Relieve log pressure
Full Changelog: v3.3.6...v3.3.7
What's Changed
- Free the ice4j agent before recreating a new one by @Brutus5000 in #52
Full Changelog: v3.3.5...v3.3.6
What's Changed
- Recover connectivity check from telemetry websocket disconnects by @Brutus5000 in #50
- Remove preference of "official servers" by @Brutus5000 in #51
Full Changelog: v3.3.4...v3.3.5
What's Changed
- Update ice4j to mainline and off custom fork by @Sheikah45 in #46
Full Changelog: v3.3.3...v3.3.4