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birdwes edited this page Dec 2, 2013 · 2 revisions

Exim4 Configuration For A SSL Certificate

This page show you how to configure Exim4 to use a SSL Server Certficate. This example was used on a Debian System, but should be similar for most other systems.

The examples show how to get a certificate from ``_ - a free certificate provider[^1]

Generate Local Server-side Certificate

Run the command:


(adding the '--force' option if you have already done this once. This is a debian specific operation, and there is no analogous step needed on other systems

Then execute:

openssl req -new -key /etc/exim4/exim.key -out /etc/exim4/exim.csr

supplying values at the prompt.

Further advice on generating a certificate can be found in the CACert Help.

Generate CACert Certificate

Create a new server certificate using the web menues within the pages and paste the contents of the file /etc/exim4/exim.csr where prompted.

Then copy what is generated to the file /etc/exim4/exim.crt (over-writing its existing contents).

OR: Import a certificate from a pfx file e.g. exported from a Windows server

root@me:~# openssl pkcs12 -in ExportWithPrivate.pfx -clcerts -nokeys -out servername.crt

IMPORTANT - These files are to be kept SECRET.

root@me:~# openssl pkcs12 -in ExportWithPrivate.pfx -out servername.pem

root@me:~# openssl rsa -in servername.pem -out exim.key

Now concatenate the certificates:

root@me:~# cat servername.crt COMODOSSLCA.crt AddTrustExternalCARoot.crt > exim.crt

Copy the files exim.key and exim.crt to /etc/exim

IMPORTANT: Backup the files to a secure location and delete the remaining files.

Update Exim configuration files

For split-file configuration (debian only), edit the file /etc/exim4/conf.d/main/03_exim4-config_tlsoptions and uncomment:

# log_selector = +tls_cipher +tls_peerdn
# tls_advertise_hosts = *
# tls_certificate = CONFDIR/exim.crt
# tls_privatekey = CONFDIR/exim.key

Then, activate the exim4 changes by:


Alternatively (or if you are not a debian user) edit your exim config file and add the following options to the first section of your configuration file :

log_selector = +tls_cipher +tls_peerdn
tls_advertise_hosts = *
tls_certificate = /etc/exim/exim.crt
tls_privatekey = /etc/exim/exim.key

Change the file security so that only exim can read them (if you are running as exim):

root@myserver:~# chmod 600 exim.*

root@myserver:~# chown exim exim.*

In either case you need to restart exim:-

/etc/init.d/exim4 restart

or your appropriate similar command.


Following help file taken from Debian Exim4 package:

This document was lifted from the wiki and modified to make a little more general. The original source is at

[^1]: You will however had to previously set up a login with - a process that includes email verification - and have demonstrated an administrator or owner link to the domain you are requesting certificates for

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