This repository has been archived by the owner on Feb 12, 2022. It is now read-only.
3.11.2 (2015-09-14)
Implemented enhancements:
- Allow Datepicker to handle two-digit year with MomentJS #1505 (cormacmccarthy)
- Get value aliasing #1501 (cormacmccarthy)
Closed issues:
- Scheduler "markup documentation" #1341
- Move
into it's own JSON file #1098 - repeater action doesn't distinguish between bulk action and inline action #1509
- Allow units to added after parsing #1490
- 1/5/15 parsed to be 01/05/0015 instead of 01/05/2015 #1483
- Scheduler's misspelling of occurrence #1467
- Add npm publish to release script #1453
- Update documentation with buttons that have type attribute #1326
Merged pull requests:
- If only one selected return its object instead of array #1510 (BenjaminNeilDavis)
- Fusion site requires mc theme styled documentation #1493 (dwaltz)
- Fix grunt release tasks: update release version, publish to NPM #1514 (cormacmccarthy)
- Replace misspelled "occurance" in sample markup #1513 (cormacmccarthy)
- Add button type to datepicker button example markup #1512 (cormacmccarthy)
- Font family change for fuelux-fusion site #1504 (dwaltz)
- Allow default unit to be added to spinbox if not present #1492 (interactivellama)
- Remove border-radius from wizard first step bottom left #1485 (interactivellama)
- Support has-children data-attribute in tree branch node #1480 (tweettypography)
- Allow spinner step interval option to be set via data attribute #1479 (cormacmccarthy)
- Add npm publish to release task #1473 (interactivellama)
- Move grunt tasks and config into external JS files #1469 (interactivellama)