A slim tool for counting the mutational signature from a VCF file.
Count number of single-nucleotide-variations in a single- or multi-sample VCF file:
mutsig my_sample.vcf.gz reference_genome.fa.gz > singlets.txt
The output will be a simple matrix in tab-separated text format containing the variant in the first column followed by the samples in the following columns.
To count single-nucleotide variations in triplets, specify the window-size (i.e., number of bases up- and downstream to consider).
mutsig my_sample.vcf.gz reference_genome.fa.gz -w 1 > triplets.txt
If you have a multi-sample VCF you may want to ignore the position which are homogeneous in all samples:
mutsig my_sample.vcf.gz reference_genome.fa.gz -i > non_homogeneous_singlets.txt
If you have the Rust toolchain installed, it is as simple as
cargo install
- Manuel Landesfeind [email protected]