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The project uses the ext functions of CoroutinesUtils.kt. In this file, analogues of the functions launch and withContext
- launch(Dispatchers.IO) -> launchIO
- launch(Dispatchers.Main) -> launchMain
- withContext(Dispatchers.IO) -> withIO
- withContext(Dispatchers.Main) -> withMain
Calls to the standard library are recommended to be prohibited by custom rules Detekt:
Just add dependency
allprojects {
repositories {
// ...
maven { url '' }
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.Evleaps:SafeCoroutines:$version'
Because the standard approach does not oblige us to handle errors, moreover, error handling in Kotlin is difficult because of its non-obviousness. The try-catch block won't catch the error in IO and the application doesn't care will fall, and the use of CoroutineExceptionHandler on the whole class leads to the fact that an error in one curutin can break all other coroutines in the scope. To avoid this, you must either create different scopes, or different instances of CoroutineExceptionHandler and this large number of approaches do not guarantees a unified approach to their processing
- The contract does not oblige to process the fact of an error in the coroutine, which means that someone can neglect processing in vain
- try-catch does not catch all errors and this leads to crashes
- It is necessary to pass the parameters of the stream and the error handler to the constructor, this complicates readability code
- There is no single approach to organizing asynchronous work
- The error will come in a random thread, therefore, UI changes will lead to a crash
- Using a single CoroutineExceptionHandler for the entire class or in MainClass will abort operations in this scope
- We use our own extensions which internally create a coroutineExceptionHandler - therefore, any coroutine must handle the fact of an error, even if it does not need to be reacted to
- Extensions are similar to subscribeBy - Familiar syntax from RxJava is clearer
- No need to pass anything to the constructor - cleaner and simpler code
- A unified approach - minimization of errors due to incorrect processing or its absence
- In onError, the error will always come in the Main thread - ** so you can update the UI **
- Each error is isolated - means we will not interrupt an important operation running in parallel in same scope
Before | Old
class MyViewModel {
private val myExceptionHandler = CoroutineExceptionHandler { _, throwable ->
withContext(Dispatchers.Main) { // because you cannot update the UI in the IO thread
fun foo() {
launch(Dispatchers.IO, myExceptionHandler) {
val campaign = marketingCampaignsInteractor
if (campaign is FavoritesCashbackCampaign) {
val percent = loyaltyProgramInteractor.getFavoritesCashbackPercentage()
withContext(Dispatchers.Main) { // because you cannot update the UI in the IO thread
After | new
class MyViewModel {
fun foo() {
safeAction = {
val campaign = marketingCampaignsInteractor
if (campaign is FavoritesCashbackCampaign) {
val percent = loyaltyProgramInteractor.getFavoritesCashbackPercentage()
withMain { // because you cannot update the UI in the IO thread
onError = {
// no need to do withMain as the error is always in the Main thread
In order for all team members to use a unified approach to creating coroutines and error handling, I strongly advise you to include these rules in the list of Detekt custom rules.
If your project have not Detekt:
- Detekt is a static analysis tool that can automate your routine work as a code reviewer.
- GitHub
- Site
- How implement custom rules (Russian, please, use google translate)
Just insert the 2 rules you saw above in DetektCustomRuleSetProvider
and the rules will work for you.
If you need to test coroutines with stream redefinition, as we did for Rx, then there is no need for coroutines in such a file, because we can use kotlinx-coroutines-test which overrides threads for testing.
I mainly based on information from this article on Medium .
PS: Firstly need to add dependency
testImplementation 'org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-coroutines-test:$versions.version'
fun setUp() {
fun tearDown() {
Dispatchers.resetMain() // reset the main dispatcher to the original Main dispatcher
// tests
ViewModel or something like that
class LikeViewModel : CoroutineScope {
// without clear because just for test
private val viewModelContext: Job = SupervisorJob()
override val coroutineContext = viewModelContext + Dispatchers.Main
fun runSmthInIO(): Job {
return launchIO(
safeAction = {
onError = ::onError
fun runSmthInMain(): Job {
return launchMain(
safeAction = {
onError = ::onError
fun onSuccess() {}
private fun onError(t: Throwable) {}
private var isFlagEnabled = false
suspend fun checkThatFlagTrue(): Boolean {
withIO {
isFlagEnabled = true
return isFlagEnabled
More test in this repo:Link
More information about coroutine testing you can read hire.
class LikeViewModelTest {
fun setUp() {
fun tearDown() {
Dispatchers.resetMain() // reset the main dispatcher to the original Main dispatcher
fun `WHEN call fun in IO THEN onSuccess called`() = runTest {
val viewModel: LikeViewModel = spy(LikeViewModel())
val executionTime = measureTimeMillis {
verify(viewModel, times(1)).onSuccess()
print("runSmthInIO: Execution Time: $executionTime")
fun `WHEN call fun in Main THEN onSuccess called`() = runTest {
val viewModel: LikeViewModel = spy(LikeViewModel())
val executionTime = measureTimeMillis {
verify(viewModel, times(1)).onSuccess()
print("Execution Time: $executionTime")
fun `WHEN checkThatFlagTrue called THEN it must return true`() = runTest {
val mainViewModel = LikeViewModel()
val executionTime = measureTimeMillis {
val isTrue = mainViewModel.checkThatFlagTrue()
print("Execution Time: $executionTime")
If you don't want to use the experimental api from kotlinx-coroutines-test you can use the standard approach of overriding the Dispatcher and injection.
inline fun CoroutineScope.launchSafe(
crossinline safeAction: suspend () -> Unit,
crossinline onError: (Throwable) -> Unit,
dispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher, // <-- you must provide some Dispatcher manually
errorDispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher = Dispatchers.Main
): Job {
val exceptionHandler = CoroutineExceptionHandler { _, throwable ->
launch(errorDispatcher) {
return this.launch(exceptionHandler + dispatcher) {
Detailed materials of this method are collected here:
Copyright 2022 City-mobil, LLD
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
(En) All information and source code are provided AS-IS, without express or implied warranties. Use of the source code or parts of it is at your sole discretion and risk. Citymobil LLC takes reasonable measures to ensure the relevance of the information posted in this repository, but it does not assume responsibility for maintaining or updating this repository or its parts outside the framework established by the company independently and without notifying third parties.
(Ru) Вся информация и исходный код предоставляются в исходном виде, без явно выраженных или подразумеваемых гарантий. Использование исходного кода или его части осуществляются исключительно по вашему усмотрению и на ваш риск. Компания ООО “Ситимобил” принимает разумные меры для обеспечения актуальности информации, размещенной в данном репозитории, но она не принимает на себя ответственности за поддержку или актуализацию данного репозитория или его частей вне рамок, устанавливаемых компанией самостоятельно и без уведомления третьих лиц.