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Marten edited this page Oct 17, 2022 · 10 revisions

This page contains description for Harvester Tasks.


The "Task" page defines and manages all the harvesting tasks.

Add a new task

  • Click on "Add" button within the "Tasks" page.
  • Select an input broker that was defined earlier through Brokers.
  • Select an output broker that was defined through Brokers. If you would like to harvest to multiple destination, you can select multiple output brokers, for example: harvesting to a geoportal server 2.x instance as well as to a local folder at the same time.
  • Click "Submit" button to add the new task.

Import a task

  • To import a previous exported task, click on the "Import" button.
  • Select the directory and file to be imported.
  • Click on "Open" to import the file, it will be imported as a task on the task list.

For individual tasks

Following are the actions that can be performed on individual harvesting tasks:


  • Click the "run" link for an individual task on the "Tasks" page to run the task immediately, you can check the progress and status of the job by clicking on the "Home" page, you can also cancel a task by clicking on "cancel" link for the task.


  • Click the "schedule" link for an individual task on the "Tasks" page to schedule the task to run at a future date/time.
  • There are two options:
    • Harvest at: to harvest at a particular time, if you would like the task to start at an exact time each day, choose this option.
    • Harvest periodically: to harvest at certain frequency, the task will restart at the interval specified (counted from previous task completion time).
  • Click "Submit" button to schedule the task. After the task has been scheduled, it will appear in the "Scheduled processes" section on the "Home" page.

Task History

  • When a task completes, you can see details of it in the Task History, accessible from the home page for completed tasks listed there or from the tasks page. The information in the history table includes:
    • Start Time and End Time - time the task started and completed
    • Acquired - number of metadata documents retrieved from the source
    • Created - number of new entries created in the target
    • Updated - number of entries that already existed in the target that were updated
    • Failed (in/out) - number of metadata documents that could not be retrieved from the source and the number of documents that failed to publish to the target. If this is not 0/0, you may click the numbers and see a list of source documents that failed to publish to the target. Clicking the question mark (also present if there are failures), shows some details of the reason the publishing failed.
  • What is currently not presented in the history table is the number of documents skipped and the reason why. Documents may be skipped for reasons that are specific to the target. For example, the Geoportal Catalog application requires a title to be present in the metadata, while ArcGIS Online/Portal require a resource URL of one of the defined types supported in that target.


  • From the tasks page, click on the "export" link for an individual task to export the task.
  • The task will be exported to a json file, the file can be imported later to the same or a different harvester instance (e.g. give to someone else to perform the harvesting task), thus avoiding the need to define the harvest task again.


  • Click the "remove" link for an individual task on the "Tasks" page to remove the task from the tasks list.


  • Click the "Rename" to rename a task.