Releases: Esri/geoportal-server-harvester
What's New?
Following are the main updates for this release:
- #204 Harvest metadata for sub-layers of ArcGIS Map Services into ArcGIS Online.
- #211 Harvest full metadata from ArcGIS REST services as opposed to Dublin Core metadata when full metadata is available.
- #209 When harvesting to a folder, use the metadata title as the basis for the file name instead of the item id.
- #203 Some source metadata is marked up using markdown. When publishing this to ArcGIS Online/Portal, convert the markdown to HTML markup as used in those products.
- Update 3rd party dependencies
See the installation guide for specific steps on the upgrade.
2.7.0 patch 1a
added log messages for successful (info) and unsuccessful delete (error)
Following are the main updates for this release:
- Updated all 3rd-party dependencies
- More detailed error messages for JDBC harvesting source
- Enhanced harvesting into ArcGIS Online/Portal for ArcGIS to include:
- full metadata if available from the source
- better handling of document ownership: harvester account does not need to be administrator, but just publisher with update permissions to the items to be harvested.
- better handling of updating existing items that are re-harvested.
What's New?
Following are the major enhancements for this release:
- Redesigned the Harvester user interface
- Added support for THREDDS
- Added support for STAC (SpatioTemporal Asset Catalogs)
- Enhanced CSW harvesting for more profiles and redirect of urls
- Enhanced database harvesting, added ability to create geometries/envelopes based on latitude and longitude in database tables
- Added ability to harvest content from a particular group within ArcGIS Online/Portal for ArcGIS in addition to a folder
- Enhanced ArcGIS harvesting to extract more information from ArcGIS Service Item Info into metadata
- Added more details to error report
- Added ability to harvest records into a collection
- Enhanced ability to extract metadata info from various file types (.docx, .xlsx, .pdf...) when harvesting files in WAF or UNC folders
- Updating JAVA and Spring Framework dependencies
- Upgrade to Esri JavaScript API 3.36
What's New?
This is a special release for INSPIRE to make harvested INSPIRE metadata editable, the function works for general geoportal user as well.
- Added support to edit harvested metadata in geoportal catalog (if geoportal has the equivalent editor)
- Improve recognition of WMS, WMTS, and WFS service urls when harvesting to Portal for ArcGIS
What's New?
Thanks all for the contribution, here are the new enhancements and bug fixes with this release:
- Fixed issue related to harvesting WAF with redirect
- Fixed issue related to monthly scheduling of tasks (corrected way of delay calculation in PeriodTrigger)
- Make user name and password optional when harvesting from Geoportal Server 2.x
- Mark scheduled tasks (#104)
- Group broker by broker type on the user interface (#103)
- Fixed extracting metadata properties from PDF files
What's New?
Thanks all for the contribution, there are many new features and enhancements with this release:
- Added ability to harvest from DCAT,
- Added ability to harvest files (e.g. pdf) to Portal for ArcGIS/ArcGIS Online
- Fixed resumption token issue with OAI-PMH harvesting
- Fixed JSON harvesting issue related to Geoportal 2.x
- Fixed CKAN harvesting issues
What's New?
Thanks all for the contribution, there are many new features and enhancements with this release:
- Added support for harvesting OAI-PMH
- Added ability to harvest content from database tables
- Added ability to harvest metadata from enterprise geodatabases directly (#45)
- Added ability to extract file properties and harvest as metadata from many files types (zip, doc, xls...)
- Implemented an option for user authorization and access control (supports simple and ldap)
- Added support for Geoportal 2.6.1 with Elasticsearch 6.x, the version has been tested is 6.4.0
- Reverse PDF bounding box coordinates (#66)
- Added ability to name and rename a task
- Added "Group by input" check box for tasks
- Added search text filter for harvesting CSW
- Enhanced harvest report, including show info for failed records.
What's New?
- Using preferred ArcGIS online geometry service for geometric transformation (#50)
- Added ability to declare default metadata format when harvesting items from ArcGIS Online or Portal for ArcGIS (#53)
- Generate additional document attributes during harvesting for use by Geoportal Catalog (#54)
- Add "Sink" Input broker allowing to drag and drop files into dedicated folder and get them pushed automatically into destination (#60)
- Extract metadata from PDF files when publishing into Geoportal Catalog (#61)