Explorer backend is an app:
- Deals with blockchain nodes.
- Supports our database implementation.
- Provides a nice REST & websocket API.
- APR calculation.
- Indexing special chain specific data.
- A great database implementation to store important stuff.
- A nice WebSocket interface to provide multiple events to subscribe dynamic data.
If you don't have Rust installed, follow the instructions at rust-lang.org.
- Clone the repository by typing this in terminal:
git clone https://github.com/testnetrunn/explorer-backend.git
- Set working directory to the project by typing this in terminal:
cd explorer-backend
- Run the project by typing this in terminal:
cargo run --release
- Go to
folder, and pick any of the files inside. - Each function represents a different path.
- Test by visiting paths with a browser.
Open Chains.yaml
file, and provide the required info below in the end of the file:
- Name
- Logo
- Web Socket URL
All other info is optional, and some of them are generated automatically.
For example:
name: axelar
logo: https://assets.coingecko.com/coins/images/24489/large/tsYr25vB_400x400.jpg
rpc: https://rpc.cosmos.directory/axelar
rest: https://axelar-api.polkachu.com
wss: wss://axelar-rpc.chainode.tech/websocket
Go to src/routes
, and find or create a new file for the category associated with the new endpoint to be supported.
Don't forget to import important stuff.
Create a new function representing the endpoint like below:
pub async fn example(path: Path<String>, chains: Data<State>) -> impl Responder {
let chain = path.into_inner();
Json(match chains.get(&chain) {
Ok(chain) => chain.get_example().await.into(),
Err(err) => Response::Error(err),
means a path variable, and its type is defined at Path<String>
If there is also another variable, we define its type as Path<(String, OtherVarType)>
You have to create a fetch method for
struct before creating the endpoint.
Go to src/fetch
, and find or create a new file for the category associated with the new method to be created.
Define a new method inside impl
block like below:
impl Chain {
pub async fn get_signing_info(&self, cons_addr: &str) -> Result<OutRestResponse<InternalSlashingSigningInfoItem>, String> {
let path = format!("/cosmos/slashing/v1beta1/signing_infos/{cons_addr}");
let resp = self.rest_api_request::<SigningInfoResp>(&path, &[]).await?;
let signing_info = resp.val_signing_info.try_into()?;
OutRestResponse::new(signing_info, 0)
If the method is not chain agnostic, you use a logic like
if self.inner.name == "evmos"