Erdiko theming engine
erdiko/theme is a lightweight package that allows you to build twig themes faster and more effectively.
This is a work in progress as we move erdiko to Slim PHP we are also migrating the erdiko theming engine to twig. Sorry, not quite ready for prime time. We will integrate this package into erdiko in April 2017 (alpha) and have the full beta ready sometime in May 2017.
erdiko/theme will work well with Slim PHP and erdiko as well as easy to adapt to other PHP frameworks.
Easy installation via composer
composer require erdiko/theme
Twig is a modern template engine for PHP We were so impressed by the features and adoption of it that we ditched our template engine in favor of twig. erdiko/theme will leverage the flexibility of twig and allow you to build themes more efficiently.
We will have 3 starter themes at V1.
Blog (built on bootstrap and perfect for headless WordPress)
We would love to hear more about how we can make your theme development easier. Please send us your comments, feature requests, and any bug reports.
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