Implementation of the blueprint and integration tests for the SODALITE platform stack
SODALITE uses IaC, namely the well known Topology and Orchestration Specification for Cloud Applications TOSCA OASIS standard for modelling the infrastructure and application deployment. The TOSCA lifecycle operation interfaces are implemented in Ansible playbooks and roles.
This repository contains two TOSCA/Ansible SODALITE stack deployment blueprints which can be deployed by SODALITE orchestrator xOpera. First service.yaml
blueprint located in ./openstack
folder designed for the SODALITE platform supporting openstack private cloud deployment. Second one, located in ./docker-local
folder represents a local machine docker setup (not recommended for real development).
Here is the list of SODALITE stack components, with corresponding Docker images that are in fact deployed by blueprints. Network alias is used for container cross referencing in internal Docker network. Container port indicates the port exposed by Docker container, while Host port shows the mapped port that is published on localhost or Openstack VM.
Name | GitHub repository | Docker Image | Network alias | Container ports | Host ports |
Docker Registry | registry | registry | 443 | 443 | |
SODALITE Reverse Proxy | traefik | proxy | 5000, 5001, 5002, 5432, 8888 | 5000, 5001, 5002, 5432, 8888 | |
SODALITE Keycloak | jboss/keycloak | keycloak | 8080, 8443 | 8100, 8443 | |
SODALITE Vault | vault | vault | 8200, 8201 | 8200, 8201 | |
Platform Discovery Service | platform-discovery-service | platform-discovery-service | pds | 8089 | 8081 |
xOpera REST API | xopera-rest-api | xopera-rest-api | xopera-rest-api | 8080 | |
Postgres DB for xOpera | postgres | xopera-postgres | 5432 | ||
Swagger UI for xOpera | swaggerapi/swagger-ui | xopera-ui | 8080 | ||
IaC Blueprint Builder | iac-blueprint-builder | iac-blueprint-builder | iac-builder | 80 | 8081 |
Docker Image Builder REST API | image-builder | image-builder-api | image-builder-api | 5000 | |
Knowledge Database | semantic-reasoner | graph_db | graph-db | 7200 | 7200 |
Semantic Reasoner API | semantic-reasoner | semantic_web | semantic-web | 8080 | 8080 |
IaC Metrics Framework API | iac-quality-framework | iacmetrics | iac-metrics | 5000 | 5003 |
TOSCA Defect Prediction API | defect-prediction | toscasmells | tosca-smells | 8080 | 8082 |
Ansible Defect Prediction API | defect-prediction | ansiblesmells | ansible-smells | 5000 | 5004 |
TOSCA Syntax Verifier API | verification | toscasynverifier | tosca-syntax | 5000 | 5005 |
Workflow Verifier API | verification | workflowverifier | workflow-verifier | 5000 | 5006 |
Rule-based Refactoring API | refactoring-ml | rule_based_refactorer | rule-based-refactorer | 8080 | 8083 |
Performance Prediction API | refactoring-ml | fo_perf_predictor_api | performance-predictor-refactoring | 5000 | 5007 |
Refactoring Option Discovery API | refactoring-option-discoverer | refactoring_option_discoverer | refactoring-option-discoverer | 8080 | 8084 |
Skydive Analyzer | skydive/skydive | skydive-analyzer | 8082 | 8088 | |
Skydive Capture | skydive/skydive | skydive-capture | |||
Prometheus Skydive Connector | skydive-flow-exporter/prom_sky_con | prometheus-skydive-connector | prometheus-skydive-connector | 9100 | 9101 |
Consul for Monitoring System | consul | consul | 8500, 8600 | 8500, 8600 | |
Alert Manager for Monitoring System | prom/alertmanager | alertmanager | 9093 | 9093 | |
Prometheus for Monitoring System | prom/prometheus | prometheus | 9090 | 9090 | |
Monitoring System Ruleserver | monitoring-system/ruleserver | monitoring-system-ruleserver | ruleserver | 9092 | 9092 |
MODAK Optimiser API | application-optimisation | modak-api | modak-api | 5000 | 55000 |
MySQL DB for MODAK | application-optimisation | modak-py3-mysql | modak-db | 3306 | 32000 |
Clone the repo and run script.
git clone
cd iac-platform-stack
./ deploy
Openstack deployment was tested on Ubuntu 20.04 and Centos 7 VMs (with orchestration from Ubuntu 20.04 machine), but it probably works on other distributions as well. Image selection is part of deploy script.
Clone repo and run script. OPENRC_PATH is path to file with env vars for OpenStack connection.
git clone
cd iac-platform-stack
./ deploy [OPENRC_PATH]
Deploy scripts ( and test environment, set up and deploy blueprint. Steps:
- ensure correct version of python3, pip3, ansible, xOpera, git, ansible playbooks
- clone SODALITE iac modules and copy library
- export openstack environment variables (OpenStack only)
- target image selection (OpenStack only)
- create inputs
- create TLS certificates
- deploy stack with xOpera
Alternatively, scripts can also undeploy stack or deploy with resume, check script usage:
# Invoking scripts without params will print script's help
Part of deploy scripts is also creating file with inputs for stack deployment. User will be prompted to enter them following guidelines:
- no input should be empty
- password should not have special characters
- xOpera GIT config (url, token) should be real, otherwise xOpera REST API will not start.
- some inputs (VAULT_TOKEN, KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_SECRET) must comply with UUID standard
Preferred method for installation is use of and Alternatively, see manuall install steps.
SODALITE IDE can be installed either as a Docker container or from source code on GitHub. In order to run IDE as a Docker container use the following commands:
- for Ubuntu
docker run --name sodalite-ide -it -d -e DISPLAY=:0 -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix sodaliteh2020/sodalite-ide
- for Windows Docker Desktop installation
docker run --name sodalite-ide -it -d -e DISPLAY=host.docker.internal:0.0 -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix sodaliteh2020/sodalite-ide
NOTE: SODALITE IDE Docker image uses X11 windowing system. Using Windows for IDE Docker image installation requires an X server (e.g VcXsrv) and additional configuration.
To install SODALITE IDE from source code proceed with instructions described here: SODALITE IDE GitHub. Use Installation from the Sodalite IDE source code scenario.
- for Ubuntu
Send a GET HTTP request to http://localhost:8080/reasoner-api/v0.6/testReasoner. This request will provide information whether Semantic Reasoner and Graph DB are configured correctly and populate Graph DB with basic TOSCA 1.3 normative type definitions.
For Openstack deployment configuration substitute
with VM's public IP address. -
Proceed with SODALITE IDE configuration as described in the IDE Tutorial
- Open IDE preference page: menu Window/Preferences.
- Search for Sodalite in search text. Click on Sodalite Backend
Edit the URI for the Sodalite Backend services: KB Reasoner, IaC Builder and xOPERA. In case of local SODALITE stack deployment use:
- http://localhost:8080/reasoner-api/v0.6/ for KB Reasoner
- http://localhost:8081/ for IaC Builder
- https://localhost:5001/ for xOPERA
For Openstack deployment configuration substitute
with VM's public IP address.
IDE Docker image already contains some AADM and RM examples that can be found in Model Explorer (Window -> Show View -> Model Explorer)
If IDE is installed from source code, examples can be found here.
Check IDE Tutorial for details.
NOTE: SODALITE currently uses the version xOpera version 0.6.4 since xOpera is being developed to support OASIS TOSCA Simple Profile in YAML version 1.3.