This was my second full stack project with React.js on the frontend and Firebase on the backend.
I really enjoyed it a lot and learned about various things like components lifecycle, hooks, react UI libraries, handling non-relational databases and design patterns.
This chat allows you to write and receive text messages in real time, create specific discord-style channels and all with a secure authentication system with GoogleSignIn
I built the logic of the interaction with the user and the sending and receiving of data from the database. Use React.js and the react-hooks-firebase, react-bootstrap, material-UI and emoji-picker libraries.
I used the firestore non-relational database, the GoogleSignIn authentication service, and built read-write rules on the database. The app also runs on the firebase hosting service.
😎 The app is 100% responsive, built with bs grid and css flexbox. Adaptable to desktop, tablet and cell phone.
- Scafolding
- App structure
- Backend functionalities
- Routes
- Styles
- Components
- Functionality