A simple framework to simulate and control few-level quantum systems.
This package allows the propagation of pure and mixed quantum states according to Schrödinger and von-Neumann equations, respectively. The embedding system is represented by a time-dependent Hamiltonian and the state by a complex vector or density matrix. The aim is to study (super-)adiabatic control protocols that may allow for efficient state manipulation at the quantum speed limit. It comes with a set of templates implementing common few-level quantum systems:
- Landau-Zener (LZ)
- Carroll-Hioe (CH)
- Sequential Crossings
pip install git+https://github.com/EmCeeEs/QbitControl.git@master
Let us examine the LZ problem. It regards a time-dependent system, where two states change their characteristics in the course of time. In the case of non-zero interaction the states do not cross (avoided crossing) resulting in a non-zero transition probability. The LZ formula gives this transition probability in the asymptotic limit. We can simulate this behaviour as follows:
from qbitcontrol.templates import LZ
# model parameters
alpha = 1 # sweep velocity
delta = 0.5 # interaction strength
# numeric parameters
tstart = -100
tend = 100
Nsteps = 1000
# init model
qsys = LZ(alpha, delta)
qsys.state = qsys.eigenstates(tstart)[0] # start in eigenstate
# init simulation
times, states, _ = qsys.propagate(tstart, tend, Nsteps)
# final state is superposition of eigenstates
# make transitionless (super-adiabatic)
qsys2 = qsys.make_transitionless()
qsys2.state = qsys.eigenstates(tstart)[0] # start in original eigenstate
# init simulation
times, states, _ = qsys2.propagate(tstart, tend, Nsteps)
# final state is eigenstate
The main component is the QuantumSystem object. It's important attributes are:
- N
- dimensionality of the problem
- H
- the system's Hamiltonian
- state
- the current state of the system
- eigenstates(time)
- compute eigenstates at specified time
- eigenenergies(time)
- compute eigenenergies at specified time
- makes_transitionless()
- compute super-adiabatic version of system
- propagate(tstart, tend, Nsteps)
- propagate system in time; from tstart to tend with Nsteps
- return times, states and errors
- spectrum()
- compute energy spectrum