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sustained edited this page Jan 6, 2020 · 1 revision



0.1 is almost ready (as of the 6th of January, 2020) and actually contains way more features than you'd find in a typical 0.1 but I am not good at versioning things, sorry.

It will go under a private beta test soon and as long as people are happy with it then it'll probably go live.


0.2 will consist of two things:

  1. Refactoring (DRYing up the code etc., while the project is still young)
  2. Responding to any feedback gathered throughout the private beta
  • Larger requests may be delayed until 0.3 but smaller fixes/adjustments will land in 0.2


0.3 will likely introduce new features like Q&A-related commands, some kind of library/framework lookup, maybe something relating to events and conferences etc.

Really, I suppose it depends what there is demand for.


  • Maybe we'll rewrite it in TypeScript some day, but who knows
  • Maybe we'll move away from the Commando framework but probably only if it is abandoned
  • Maybe we'll refactor all of the spaces to tabs (just kidding)
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