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This task publishes the STAC items in a payload to AWS S3. It can be run after the copy-assets task, for example, in order to publish the updated STAC items in the output payload from that task to S3.

The input.json file contains the input payload that needs to be submitted to the copy-assets task, which after it finishes running will also run the publish task since both of these tasks appear under process-tasks in the input payload.

In order to run this task within Argo Workflows, follow the below instructions.

  1. Clone this repository and cd into this directory.

  2. Create an image from the provided Dockerfile using standard Docker commands.

  3. Create an S3 bucket in your AWS account with an IAM user that has credentials to access this bucket. The IAM user credentials are needed in the next step.

  4. Follow the instructions here to deploy all K8s components onto a cluster that are required for this workflow/task to run. Before deploying the workflow-configuration helm chart, update the values.yaml file for that chart to contain the base-64 encoded AWS credentials of the IAM user, and the data_bucket (name of the bucket where the output of the publish task will be uploaded), and then deploy the chart.

  5. Change the bucket name in the path_template variable in process-upload_options within the input.json file to be the name of the bucket in S3 where you want the output STAC item file to be uploaded. For example, if you want to save the output file inside the output folder of a bucket named publish_results and templated by the Item's collection and id, the path_template would be s3://publish_results/output/${collection}/${id}/. Also, update the public property under tasks-publish to either true or false depending on whether the S3 bucket is public or private, respectively. Upload the input.json file to an object storage such as MinIO under a path like swoop/executions/<WORKFLOW UUID>/input.json. The WORKFLOW UUID can be any UUID value, such as a5db5e5e-4d5d-45c5-b9db-fb6f4aa93b0a.

  6. Run the mirror-workflow Argo WorkflowTemplate deployed by the worflow-configuration helm chart.

argo submit --watch --from workflowtemplate/mirror-workflow --name $UUID

substituting a value for the UUID that you want to use.

You will see the Argo workflow run as a sequence of two tasks, copy-assets and publish, that run in order (as shown in the picture below), and once complete the S3 bucket should contain the output of both the copy-assets and publish tasks in the folder given by process-upload_options-path_template within input.json.

Mirror workflow output