A naval battle game implemented with a client-server tipology that follows the idea of the modern .io games: the game has no beggining nor end, it is always running. To know more about the game clone the repository and see the documentation.
During our development we used both Eclipse and IntelliJ for their easier use of run configurations, and other Full IDEs adavantages.
To build on these IDEs it is just needed to create a project from the folder and then defining Main.java as our main class.
# Linux
$ find -name "*.java" > sources.txt
$ javac @sources.txt
:: Windows
> dir /s /B *.java > sources.txt
> javac @sources.txt
To start a Server, use the following command as an example:
$ java Main <PORT>
In and IDE add arguments: game <PORT>
To start the Player, use the following command as an example:
$ java Main player <IP> <PORT>
In and IDE add arguments: player <IP> <PORT>