Bug Fixes
add Escape key event listener at document scope #11 (Evan )
import animateFocusedSearchResult from the correct location #11 (Evan )
correct actions badge url #11 (Evan )
use - in naming convention for gh actions #11 (Evan )
try using npm install instead of npm ci (Evan )
try adding npm /bin to path (Evan )
attempt to force brwoserify install (Evan )
move to utils and test stripFocusFromClass #11 (ecalzo )
move giveElementFocusedClass to utils and test #11 (ecalzo )
move refineResults to utils and test #11 (ecalzo )
set up github actions #11 (ecalzo )
start test suite for htmlUtils, function createOverlay #11 (ecalzo )
tests for animateFocusedSearchResult and createListItem #11 (Evan )
test for resetListElementCSS #11 (Evan )
reorganize project files #11 (Evan )
alter paths in manifest.json #11 (Evan )
move stripIndexFromClass to utils file #11 (ecalzo )
move stripIndexFromClass to utils file #11 (ecalzo )
more specific test path for jest #11 (ecalzo )
move more functions to htmlUtils.js #11 (ecalzo )
rename test to utils.test.js #11 (ecalzo )
rm unused test file #11 (ecalzo )
move background.js into static/ #11 (Evan )
github action for automated releases #11 (Evan )
fix readme #11 (Evan )
cleanup backticks and rm unused function args #11 (Evan )
make ids for overlay divs consistent #11 (Evan )
move selectors to their own file #11 (Evan )
fix broken html image, realign links #11 (Evan )
run tests on push to all branches #11 (Evan )
add badge to README #11 (Evan )
version bump (Evan )
[c211b76 ]: jest install and first test (ecalzolaio) #11
update isValidInputEvent to match master #11 (Evan )
update package.json #11 (Evan )
replace isValidInputEvent in overlay.js with the function in utils.js #11 (Evan )
require utils file #11 (Evan )
[d679497 ]: package.json: add browserify, watchify dependencies (Evan) #11
[eca9fb5 ]: package-lock.json update (Evan) #11
rename overlay.js to content_script.js #11 (Evan )
test for stripIndexFromClass #11 (ecalzo )
[471b2ff ]: package-lock.json update (ecalzo) #11
fix image url in readme #11 (ecalzo )
move animateFocusedSearchResult to src/htmlUtils #11 (Evan )
test for createOverlayDiv #11 (Evan )
test for createSearchIcon #11 (Evan )
tests for createSearchInput and change its id to #search-input #11 (Evan )
You can’t perform that action at this time.