Staking DApp for Eat The Blocks Projects #2.
- Install truffle/contract dependencies:
yarn install
- Install client:
cd client
yarn install
truffle test
- Run ganache:
- Deploy contracts:
truffle migrate --reset
- Start front end:
cd client
yarn start
- If you'd like to pass 15 days in your Ganache blockchain, execute the following 2 lines at truffle console:
timestamp = (await web3.eth.getBlock(await await web3.eth.getBlockNumber()))['timestamp']
advancetime = new Promise((resolve,reject) => { web3.currentProvider.send({jsonrpc:'2.0', method: 'evm_mine', params: [timestamp+60*60*24*15], id: timestamp}, (err, result) => { if (err) { return reject(err) } return resolve(result); }) })
- The DApp was designed for ETB token and Pancakeswap LP tokens. So it only supports 18 decimal tokens, and no support for tokens with fee on transfer and other esoterica.
- For some reason, when running the unit tests, truffle takes around 1:30 minutes before it even reaches the initial compilation stage. I'm not sure if it's a local error or something with Truffle. Anyway, this does not happen when running deployment.
- In the truffle tests it is tricky to test for balances, as we are calculating based on seconds and sometimes there is 1-3 seconds of delay. See here Gotacha#2 for explanation. To combat this, when testing time sensitive functions, I allow the actual result to be within 3 (monetary unit allocated per second) error of margin from the expected result.
- The contract is based upon SushiSwap's MasterChef.
- In the development network, the contract deploys 2 mock ERC20 contracts and mints tokens for the first Ganache accounts, for testing. The first account will be the owner who is allowed to add rewards, and the next 2 accounts can be used for staking and testing. These contracts (ERC20Factory and MockERC20) will not be deployed to networks other than local dev networks.