Simply load the Main.Java file and hit RUN!
Our intuitive menu system will prompt you what to do every step of the way. You will be able to do the following:
• Play single player, two player or watch a randomly generated battle
• Create your own characters for your party
• Export your party to a CSV file to use again later
• Randomly Generate your own party
• Import a party from a CSV file
• Honor your fallen comrades in the graveyard at the end of each battle
Navigate to src/com/ironhack -> homeworkRPGSIM - This contains the majority of the game files
• Main - Is where you run the game from
• MainMenu - Contains the bulk of the code - It handles the menu systems, generating random parties, importing / exporting to csv files
• Battle - Contains the battle system code
• Character - Absract class for Warrior & Wizard
• Warrior & Wizard- Contains Constructors, getters, setters, customer character creation & attack methods
• Graveyard - Contains the code for the Graveyard system (really cool!)
• UniqueID - Contains a method to generate a unique ID for each character - This is not currently used but would be useful should we wish to use hashmaps instead of arraylists
• Attacker - Interface for the attack method (Not a lot to see here)